Attention: For those concerned about OSTEOPOROSIS,
bone breaks, and losing independence
“Fracture was always just
one wrong move away...
And there weren't enough doctors, supplements,
or research to save me...”

In the privacy of our first session together, Mary, a spry 62-year-old with a new grandbaby on the way, couldn't stop the stream of tears from pouring down her face.
She was opting out of the activities she loved, was sitting on life’s sidelines to be safe, and was fearing fracture daily.
“I want to enjoy these years ahead and be pain-free...”
“I want to be able to HIKE, and SKI, and bike, and EXERCISE, and keep up with my grandkids, and just be ACTIVE”...
But those days were behind her now...
All she had left were memories from a prior life.
Her doctor had her convinced that it was all downhill from here and that within a year she was wheelchair-bound and on the verge of a debilitating hip fracture if she didn't give in and take the drugs.
She couldn't accept that as her only option...
"There has to be more to stronger bones than an endless cycle
of pills and injections," she cried.

I could tell she was scared as she thought about the uncertainty of her future.
“Can I tell you what I’ve been doing?” she asked in a hopeful voice.
As she started listing things off, it sounded all too familiar...
She was watching random videos online...
Obsessively searching different topics on the internet for their relation to bone health and osteoporosis...
Reading a bunch of “studies” and questionable “research”...

Wading through conflicting information...
Spending a bunch of money on the wrong foods and supplements...
Doing the wrong exercises that could have led to injury...
It was consuming her life... and in her words, she was "floundering."
She was hoping that the plan she had pieced together wasn't going to lead to more bone loss and disappointment at her next bone density scan… or worse, a life-altering bone break.
I knew exactly how she was feeling...
I Felt That Way Too When I Was Diagnosed
With Osteoporosis In My Early 30's...
It was hard to believe that a slew of health problems and years of digestive issues put my bones in a crippling state so young.
While my friends were all enjoying their best years...
My health was in a downward spiral and I didn’t know how to regain control.
I couldn’t help but fear the worst...
I was headed to an early grave like my father who passed away at 35...
All I really wanted was to be healthy so I could be there for my wife and kids...
And experience the joys of being a father...
And take comfort in knowing that happy, good quality years with adventures and graduations, and weddings and grandchildren were ahead of me...
After being told I had osteoporosis, that wasn’t even a distant reality.

I knew I had to do something...

My wife, my kids, my family, my friends... they all needed me...
I just didn’t know what to do or where to even start...
BUT... I was determined, and I knew I needed to figure it out.
It took years of reading and research, trial and error, consulting with experts, and tens of thousands of dollars...
Until eventually I got the RIGHT plan in place for stronger bones and a stronger body...
And turned the lessons from my struggle into a passion for serving others.
Fast forward to today, not only have I transformed my health and made continued progress in my own journey...
But I’ve now dedicated my life to helping people with osteopenia and osteoporosis rise above the sadness and gain clarity and confidence that improving IS possible...

My name is Kevin Ellis.
Most people know me as
Bone Coach™
I help women build stronger bones.
I’m a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and “Osteoporosis Thriver” who has helped guide and support women in over 1,500+ cities around the world to stronger bones.

Through my own journey, and in working with clients across the globe, my team and I have come to realize there is ONE THING holding people back from improving their bone health...
Sadly, they’re not even aware that...
Common Approaches To Osteoporosis
& Stronger Bones DON'T WORK...

They're flawed and failing.
Because of this... people are left wondering why they are still losing bone, fearing that fracture is their fate, and questioning whether they’ll even be around for their kids and grandkids...
To top it off, they never learn the RIGHT approach for them.
That’s why I feel like it’s my duty RIGHT NOW to help YOU... AVOID THESE FLAWED & FAILING APPROACHES and develop the right plan for your specific needs.
How do I do that?
I’ll Teach You A Simple 3-Step
This same blueprint is helping people all over the world go from being stressed, overwhelmed, worried about fracture, and having no clue how to take charge of their bone health...
To feeling CONFIDENT in their approach, knowing exactly what to do and when, boosting their health AND... helping them build strong bones.
Uncover & eliminate stressors
Restore raw materials & nutrients
Step 3: BUILD
Body, mind & bone optimization
This same blueprint is what Kathy K. said has given her the “tools” to take on osteoporosis and has “made a positive impact in every aspect of my life.”
It’s also what helped Marie K. identify “blind spots” in her bone health...
And within weeks had Alice S.:
“Feeling stronger, less stressed, confident with what was going into
my body, and finally feeling optimistic about the future.”
And because I’m on a mission to uncover these flawed osteoporosis approaches and share this simple 3-step blueprint...
I'm revealing it all inside my 60-page
Stronger Bones Now eBook...

The information in this picture-rich, 60-page eBook will reshape the way you think about stronger, healthier bones...
It will tear down false beliefs, dispel common myths, uncover missing pieces in your plan, and give you clarity and direction on your path forward to stronger bones.
And because I've been through all of this myself...
And I know just how hard it is to make sense of it all...
I take the complexity of it all and break it down in a way that's easy to understand and just makes sense to you...
I've also added plenty of images to help really bring this to life.
In This Stronger Bones Now eBook You'll Learn...
- The 3-Step Blueprint Osteoporosis "Thrivers" Use To Help Build Strong Bones So They Can Prevent Fracture & Lead Active Lives
- The one thing Bone Density scans miss and that doctors don’t seem to be concerned about
- Why most people don't ever TRULY know whether their bones are strong like steel or brittle like chalk!
- 5 action steps to immediately boost bone health without leaving home

- Why natural AND conventional approaches often FAIL even the most committed strong bone seekers.
- The #1 MISTAKE many people make with osteopenia and osteoporosis (it can cause lengthy setbacks)
- The unexpected connection between water and low bone density.
- The essential "tools" used by Osteoporosis "Thrivers"
- The surprising reason why many people don’t have a shot at better bone density (and how to avoid being one of them)
- The 4 "internal disruptors" that prevent salads, smoothies and supplements from making ANY impact on bone health
- Why fractures can happen but are not always guaranteed.
- The CRITICAL pieces missing from 95% of stronger bones plans (without them improvement is impossible!).
- And so much more...

It's the most definitive guide you'll find for creating a simple plan for stronger bones...
And when we assess the people who put this process to work in their own life, 100% of people feel confident in their plan and 90% go on to make significant progress and improvement toward stronger bones and an active future!
What our clients say about
Stronger Bones Now

This Is An Amazing, Proven Process

And it’s helping real people all over the world… as you’re reading this right now...
I've packed this entire framework into my 60-page Stronger Bones Now eBook...
It took years of research, tens of thousands of dollars, and working with clients around the globe to gather the knowledge...
And then months of my time to distill it down and add this 3-step process to an image-rich eBook.
In the past, I've only ever offered this to private clients for $199...
But I don't want you to have to pay anything near that!
As long as you grab a copy now while you're on this page...
You will gain access to this amazing 60-page eBook and foundational 3-step stronger bones plan for only $27!

WAIT! Don’t pass up this one-time offer below
Act NOW and Get
Bone Coach Eat Sheet™
The #1 Tool People With Osteoporosis Use To Craft A Bone-Healthy Diet
Even If They Have No Idea Where To Start...

Bone-Healthy Nutrition For Your Specific Body
Most people are shocked when I tell them that the key to strong bones is NOT calcium, vitamin D, and leafy greens...

And they’re even more shocked when I go on to explain that even if they are eating healthy...
Their bones are probably not getting the nutrients they need!
How is this possible?
Well, there are 3 LAYERS to ensuring your bones are getting the nourishment they need to become stronger...

You need to be consuming the right nutrients in the right amounts (you’d be surprised how easy it is to fall short)...

Your body needs to actually ABSORB those nutrients (oftentimes this is impaired and it could even be “damaged”)...

Those nutrients need to actually make it to the cell level...
All 3 of those things MUST line up...
And if they don’t, your bones could be starving for nutrients they desperately need...
So you need to be asking yourself...
What nutrients are you missing for
stronger, healthier bones?
In all my work with clients across the globe, I’ve come to realize most people have a breakdown somewhere along the line...
And we need to go to work improving diet, digestion, and absorption ASAP...
Because if we don’t...
We can’t possibly expect to rebuild something if we’re
missing key building blocks... right?!

That’s exactly why I put together the Bone Coach Eat Sheet™—The #1 tool people with osteoporosis use to craft a bone-healthy, gut-friendly diet even if they have no idea where to start...
Until now, this 50-page workbook has only been available to private clients as part of my Stronger Bones Solution™ coaching program...
BUT I've decided to give you access to it TODAY ONLY as a FREE BONUS for investing in the Stronger Bones Now eBook!!!
What You'll Learn In The Bone Coach Eat Sheet™...
- How to avoid picking the wrong diet for your specific body and bone health needs
- Proven tips to maximize nutrients even if you suffer from severe digestive distress (I've seen many clients significantly improve or resolve long-standing IBS)
- How to navigate a bone-healthy diet with autoimmune disease

- The 6 critical pillars of EVERY bone-healthy diet (without them, your bones won't have what they need to become stronger)
- A comprehensive, yet incredibly simple, 1-page list of bone-healthy proteins, fats, fruits, non-starchy and starchy vegetables, beverages and MORE (easily printed, can be marked up for meal planning, or saved to phone for easy access while grocery shopping)
- The top bone-damaging foods to ABSOLUTELY avoid
- My personal favorite "Top 15" bone-building foods that work for me and 90% of my clients (I won't go more than a day or two without #'s 3, 10, and 12)
- A 4-week step-by-step plan of how to craft your bone-healthy diet (too easy to fail)
- What most people don't know about an alkaline diet (it prevents them from making the right decisions at mealtime)
- 17 key bone-healthy nutrient "all-stars" and the BEST sources to get them from food.
- Mouth-watering bone-healthy recipes
- And so much more!

It's the most comprehensive guide you'll find for crafting a bone-healthy, gut-friendly diet...
And it's a must use resource for improving your gut and long-standing digestive issues...
While feeling confident that the foods you're putting into your body are providing the raw materials and resources needed for stronger, healthier bones...
Normally, it's $199... and is only offered as part of my private Stronger Bones Solution™ coaching program.

You'll get it FREE today, when you grab your $27 copy of the Stronger Bones Now eBook today.
The eBook and Eat Sheet alone are going to take your health to the next level...
But because I'm so committed to seeing you reverse bone loss and build stronger bones...
I've got two more amazing FREE bonuses to give you with your purchase...
Top Bone Damagers Guide
Don't Let These Little Known Bone Loss Contributors Work Against You

Normally, this guide is $49... and is only ever offered as part of my private Stronger Bones Solution™ coaching program.
You could very easily slow degeneration and add years to the life of your bones by removing and addressing the things you’ll learn in this step-by-step guide...
That alone is invaluable!
You'll get it FREE today, when you grab your copy of the Stronger Bones Now eBook.
What our clients say about

You'll Have Access To An Entire
Stronger Bones Accelerator Kit!
As a recap, you're getting the Stronger Bones Now eBook my past clients have gladly purchased for $199...
A Bone Coach Eat Sheet™ workbook to craft a bone-healthy, gut-friendly diet ($199 value)...
And a Top Bone Damagers guide that can save you years on the life of your bones ($49 value)...
That’s a $447 value for ONLY $27!!!

Now, I know that saving 87% while building a stronger bones plan is probably already enough to have you thinking about...
Pickleball games...
And bucket list trips...
And running around with the grandkids or picking them up to hold them...
But if you need just one more reason to do this for yourself...
Here it is...
Key Nutrients And Smarter
Supplementation Guide
This guide will teach you everything you need to know about
supplementing for stronger bones including:
- Which nutrients are most important for your health and for your bones
- The right amounts of those nutrients
- The right forms of those nutrients
- How to get those nutrients from food first
- How to close the gaps with supplementation if and when necessary
- What a sample day with these nutrients would look like
- Confidence you're fueling your body and bones with everything it needs to become stronger

All of this is a FREE Bonus Gift when you purchase the
Stronger Bones Now eBook today on this page!
Here's A Recap Of Everything You Get For

60-Page Stronger Bones Now eBook

Discover The 3-Step Blueprint Osteoporosis "Thrivers" Use To Help Build Strong Bones So They Can Prevent Fracture & Lead Active Lives...
AVOID THE PITFALLS of these common osteoporosis approaches...
Finally UNCOVER CRITICAL PIECES MISSING in your stronger bones plan...
And get the RIGHT plan in place for bone strength, fracture prevention, and saving preventable bone loss.
Normally $199. Yours today for just $27!
Bonus #1:
Bone Coach
Eat Sheet™

Normally only offered as part of my private Stronger Bones Solution™ coaching program for $199...
BUT... if you buy my Stronger Bones Now eBook TODAY...
You'll gain access to the #1 tool people with osteoporosis use to craft a bone-healthy, gut-friendly diet ABSOLUTELY FREE.
You can’t rebuild stronger bones with nutrients that aren’t there, right?!
Bonus #2:
Top Bone
Damagers Guide

Don’t wait to remove these contributors to bone loss today... Let us show you exactly what to remove and how to do it so you can save years on the life of your bones.
Normally, $49 but FREE TODAY!
Bonus #3:
Key Nutrients And Smarter Supplementation Guide

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about supplementing for stronger bones.
Normally, $49 but FREE TODAY!
14-Day, 100% Money back Guarantee
We know how hard it is to trust people over the internet... we don't blame you. That's why we want you to access the information risk-free.
This way, you can access our life-changing stronger bones guides and workbooks, see the quality of the materials, understand that it can actually help you, and realize that our expert team members wouldn't put their credentials on the line for a stronger bones plan that did not legitimately help people and change lives.
At this point, we've helped people in over 1500+ cities around the world and have satisfied program members spanning the globe who have improved their health and their bones with our help, and have become our raving fans... We even have medical doctors and physicians who use these resources and refer patients and family members our way upon completion...
And we want you to feel confident in trying it all out for yourself, risk-free!

Money Back Guarantee.
You can access our guides for 14 days, and if for any reason you feel that we haven’t delivered, we will issue a 100% refund. Just email or!/ and ask us for a full refund no later than 14 days after you enroll and we'll handle the rest. Easy.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will I have access to these guides once I purchase?
You will have unlimited access!
Once I purchase the guides, how will they be delivered to me?
As soon as you purchase your stronger bones guides, we will send you an email with links to download each of your stronger bones guides, bonuses, and ebooks. Usually this will go to your inbox, but sometimes it will end up in a junk or promotions folder, so be sure to check there too.
How can I get in touch with your team after I purchase?
You can easily just reply to the emails you receive after you purchase or send an email to or!/ anytime and we’ll get back to you. We’re always happy to help :)
Can I work with you and your team?
Yes! We only allow those who have purchased the Stronger Bones Now eBook plus bonuses the opportunity to work with me and my team in a live setting. All you need to do is complete your purchase of these Stronger Bones Guides TODAY, and we’ll send you a notification about how you can upgrade to live, personalized coaching support with me and my team of experts in our Stronger Bones Solution Program. You must purchase the guides today... otherwise we will not extend an invitation to upgrade to live coaching. Upgrading is entirely optional.
Why is it important to do something NOW and not wait until later?
It's much easier to prevent more bone loss, than to build bone once you lose it.
Both are possible.
You can build bone strength at any age...
It just becomes more challenging the older you get and the more bone you lose.
That's one reason it's better to do something now, than wait longer and have a lower starting point.
And, unfortunately, ignoring these things or hoping they will get better on their own is not the answer.
Can't I just work with my Medical Doctor (MD) on this?
You should absolutely work with your medical doctor... but you also need to know how to be your own best advocate.
Unfortunately, what I've found in most cases (over 90%) is that it's more of a driver/passenger relationship people have with their doctors...
And sometimes the driver hasn't fully evaluated where you (the passenger) are at versus where you want to go, before making a decision on the best route to take.
Even if you've known your doctor for a long time. Things can be missed. Primary cause issues can be overlooked...
And the standard recommendation of calcium, Vitamin D, walking, and a bone drug may not actually be the right approach for you and is likely not enough.
You can't be a passenger in your own healthcare.
Wouldn't you want to know how to get the most out of partnering with doctor?
What about how to be your own best advocate to get the care and treatment you want?
We teach you how to do it, and we'll fill in the gaps your doctor doesn't have time to address.
But can you really help me? My situation is unique.
Yes, I'm confident we can help you.
After helping people in over 1500+ cities around the world, we realize no two people are exactly alike.
We've helped people that have bone density anywhere from the -1.0's to the -5.0's.
We've helped people that have relatively no health issues to multiple autoimmune conditions and other health issues.
We've helped people that have anywhere from no fractures up to 5 to 10 fractures.
Everyone's situation is different, including yours.
Why do I care so much about helping you?
The last thing I want is for this next year to pass and you still be:
- Stressed and overwhelmed not knowing how to improve your bones...
- Searching different topics on the internet for their relation to bone health and osteoporosis...
- Struggling to wade through a bunch of books and “research” and conflicting information...
- Worried you could be spending a bunch of money on the wrong foods and supplements...
- Confused and uncertain about which exercises are safe for you...
- Concerned that you're still losing bone... and it could be bone loss that's preventable!
- Or hoping that the plan you've pieced together isn't going to lead to disappointment at your next bone density scan...
I don't want ANY of that for you throughout this next year... and beyond.
Instead, I want this to be the year you start improving.
- I want you to be educated, empowered, and make the right decisions for YOU.
- I want you to be active and live the life you want to live...
- I want you to travel and go on adventures...
- I want you to be independent and have good quality of life...
- And I want you to be there for your friends, family, kids, and grandkids long into the future.
My team and I can help you get there...
In fact, we help women just like you, every single day, get confident in their plan for stronger bones...
We can lay out a plan for you too.
You just have to take action.
It's hard to trust people over the internet... why should I trust you?
If this has crossed your mind, I don't blame you.
It's hard to not be skeptical and lack trust... especially when it comes to your health...
And I realize that until you join us inside... you won't truly understand that we are a very real team, with a very real program, helping very real people.
So, I'll just share why other women decided to take the "leap of faith" and join us:
- I've been on this journey to stronger bones myself. I know how hard it is to get the help needed to make meaningful progress, so I brought together a program and team all in one place so you don't have to waste time and energy figuring this out on your own. I want to see you succeed and lead your best, healthiest life.
- We've helped people in over 1500+ cities around the world address bone loss, build bone strength, and take back their futures. We have a good track record. The people we've helped have had great experiences.
- We have highly credentialed team members who are well-respected in their fields. They would not put their credentials on the line for a program that did not legitimately help people.
- I operate with integrity and view my actions through the lens of my loved ones. Would my mother and father be proud to call me their son? Will my wife be proud of the man she is raising a family with? Will my kids be proud to say "That's my dad!" I think about these things a lot and make sure my daily actions, and the actions of our team, live up to it.
I understand the hesitation...
It is a leap of faith to commit to our program... we know this.
But the leap of faith is worth it.
Don't let a lack of trust to be a barrier to you getting help that could improve, and even extend, your life.
How do I decide whether to do your program or something else?
If you're thinking this, it's important to walk through these questions. They are tough to ask, I know, but they are logical.
What will you do if you don’t do this program?
Is what you're considering a tactic (i.e. a single supplement or pill, a single device that claims to do x)... OR is it a strategy (i.e. a comprehensive plan that addresses all of the important areas needed to stop losing and start improving)?
Do you think more bone loss is a possible result of choosing another path?
Do you think that bone loss will increase or decrease your fracture risk?
Does an increased fracture risk align with or directly oppose all of the things you told me you want to do?
If investing in yourself and this program is not what you decide to do, what investments will you make in your health that would lead to a better result in less time?
I'm going to wish you many blessings and good health no matter what you decide...
And if you do decide that the Stronger Bones Solution is the right fit for you, you'll get some really amazing bonuses and savings that are only available for you today.
What if I'm taking a medication?
While it's always important to discuss any changes you make to your diet and lifestyle with your doctor... Even if you're taking a medication, you would still need to do everything we teach in this program, because the medication is not a replacement for addressing primary cause issues, improving digestion and absorption of nutrients, nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, sleep improvement, and all of the other areas needed to improve your health and your bones.